Wiki can fx management be coded


Cloquet, MN
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Patient is seen for the first time with an ulnar fracture that happened 12 weeks ago. Patient has delayed union which is progressing to a nonunion given lack of any bony fracture union or boney bridging seen. Physician decided treatment would be to use a bone stimulator. No casting or splinting was performed. Would we be able to code this as fracture management?
My vote is no, I would not

With a fracture that is 12 weeks old I would not bill fracture care. Fracture care has a 90 day global. Since this is not healing, I think there is a good chance that ORIF is going to be needed or other surgical intervention long before the 90 day global is up. I would bill E/M visits and then surgery if it's indicated if the stimulator does not work. Patient's don't like fracture care either. They get upset thinking the doc is not doing anything.

If there is a chance of surgical intervention before the 90 day global is over, I would not bill fracture care.
I agree

Thank you for responding. That is what we were thinking as well, but wanted to find confirmation in case the provider came back asking that question, after we send our recommendation to him to not bill fracture management. Always helps to have someone else's input!
No way jose!

you cannot bill bone stimulator under the global period. my docs prescribe these all the time during the global and we do not bill for them.