Wiki Can doctor bill for being standby in OR?


Levittown, NY
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An ob patient of our practice had to have an emergency appendectomy. One of the physicians in the office admitted the patient to hospital & monitored the patient. The doctor stood by in the OR just in case an emergency arised & the baby had to be delivered but did not assist the surgeon at all. I have billed for initial hospital care 99222 and discharge from hospital. The MD now wants me to bill insurance for her being there?can this be billed?
If your physician was asked to be available and didn't treat any other patients during that time then you can bill a standby service-99360. The time has to be documented and it has to be at least 30 minutes to qualify for the standby code.
I looked at 99360 but that code states no face to face interaction. Unfortunately my physician was the admitting doctor & monitered the patient for fetal assesment prior to procedure & after.