Wiki Can anyone help me out?


Chattanooga, TN
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I need help coding the following:

1. Pneumocystis carinii, Aids__________________

2. Inpatient Visit: An elderly male patient with a history of benign hypertension became extremely febrile the day before admission. On admission he was extremely lethargic with a possible septic urinary tract infection. He was pan cultured and started on IV antibiotics and fluids. Pseudomonas showed in the urine culture. The next day, his mind was quite clear and the fever defervesced from an initial 104.6 to 99.0 degrees. However, he had gross hematuria. As the IV fluids were decreased, he resumed his usual hypertensive state. By the third hospital day, the urine had cleared and he was discharged on oral antibiotics, with septicemia ruled out.
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: (1) Urosepsis due to Pseudomonas, (2) gross hematuria, (3) benign essential hypertension. my thoughts: 1.038.43, 2. 599.71, 3. 642.0

3. 15. Inpatient visit: On a previous admission, the patient was diagnosed with poorly differentiated papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. She was admitted for, and received, her fifth chemotherapy treatment with Taxol and Cisplatin.
Discharge diagnosis: (1) Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma, stage III__my thoughts:__183.0____________________________________________________
#1 - look up AIDs in the alpha section, then look up pneumocytis carinii, you will code the AID code first listed, verify your choices in the tabular.
#2 - Urosepsis per ICD-9 CM guidelines is coded as 599.0 (read your guidelines) this code is listed first followed by the organism (038.43) the hematuria is correct (599.71) however how did you arrive at the 642.0 code, this code indicates the patient is pregnant (pt is described as elderly male!), you need to look this code up again and always verify the choice in the tabular.
#3 You need V58.11 listed first for the chemo, then the 183.0
Remember never chose your code using only the alpha index, while this may seem the faster way it does lead to incorrect coding. Always verify with the tabular index, also the tabular will give you instructions on which code to list as additional and which ones go first. Read you chapter heading and category headings, if these do not fit your patient then the code you have selected is incorrect,
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