Wiki Can a practice have more than one billing company?

Can anyone suggest how to get the information that I need?

I post a question about a practice having multiple billing companies for one practice. I had 44 views but no responses.
Thank you for all your help.
Your question is a little like asking if it's OK to buy products from more than one store - there's nothing wrong with or unusual about a company purchasing services from more than one supplier. It would only be a problem if the practice had a contract with one of the billing companies that said it was an exclusive arrangement that did not allow for the practice to work with a competitor. Other than that, I don't know of any reason why this wouldn't be OK. Hope that helps.
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I post a question about a practice having multiple billing companies for one practice. I had 44 views but no responses.
Thank you for all your help.

You also posted your question on a Sunday when most people aren't at work. Perhaps others were curious about your question, but didn't have a specific answer for you. Views are not indicative of people with potential answers.

Perhaps, also, you were a little impatient.

Other issues to contend with....

1. If the coding on one claim by Company A could potentially affect the coding of the separate claim processed by Company B (bundling rules, etc.)

2. Payments... carriers may return check payments EOBs with payments related to activity by both companies on one bulk check. Both billing companies would have to share EOBs and paperwork unless you set up multiple payment addresses and banking accounts for each respective company.

3. Many companies automatically post payments into billing systems based on the electronic payment files received. If the files contained info for claims processed by both companies, it could create an accounting and payment posting nightmare.

As Thomas stated, there is nothing restricting you. Personally, it seems like it could create a lot of potential issues and headaches.