Wiki Can a company (1 tax id) submit claims through 2 different clearinghouses?


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Our office switched from Kareo billing software to Eclipse earlier this year, but today we noticed some claims remained in Kareo. Can we submit the claims from 2 diferent clearinghouses?
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Our office switched from Kareo billing software to Eclipse earlier this year, but today we noticed some claims remained in Kareo. Can we submit the claims from 2 diferent clearinghouses?
Yes. We switched practice management systems from PDS to Aprima about 4 years ago. We sent PDS claims thru 1 clearinghouse and Aprima claims thru another until all PDS claims we taken care of.
Thank you for your response! I would like to ask, during the transition period where you were submitting through two platforms, did you have any denials from any particular insurances? The reason I ask is I've read that certain insurances could possibly deny claims if sent from different clearinghouses.
Thank you for your response! I would like to ask, during the transition period where you were submitting through two platforms, did you have any denials from any particular insurances? The reason I ask is I've read that certain insurances could possibly deny claims if sent from different clearinghouses.
We did submit through both clearinghouses. Never had any problems with insurances denying or kicking out claims.