Wiki Can 99211 and 69210 be billed together?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
If a patient's hearing is stable, or ear wax removal restores hearing, can we bill 99211 with cerumen impaction removal? (69210)
(In order to give credit for: MA rooming pt, doing vitals, getting chief complaint, history/ROS from pt before treatment?)
thank you
69210 and E/M 99211-99215 are CCI edits that may only be overridden with a modifier. The work that the MA is performing here does not justify -25. The practice is already receiving credit for MA rooming, vitals, CC, hx/ROS with the payment of 69210. That's the the non-facility practice expense portion of the RVU.
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Hello again. Many of our ENT providers see patients regularly for hearing tests and ear wax removals.
If hearing tests are billed separately by audiologist and analyzed by MD, who then orders more hearing tests, how is this counted?
Would this be a 99213 for hearing loss with modifier 25 and 69210 for cerumen impaction removal?