Wiki Can 45390 colon (with endoscopic mucosal resection ) be bill multiple times for the removal of multiple polyps using this same method of removal ?

Safety Harbor, FL
Best answers
Example: 45390 -D12.0
45390 -59 -D12.5
45390-XU - D13.7
I really need some feed back on this.
Can I bill multiple codes for the removal of multiple polyps using the same method of removal?
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No. If the same endoscopic procedure (e.g., polypectomy) is performed multiple times at a single patient encounter, only one CPT code may be reported with one unit of service. If multiple polypectomies were removed via 45390, only 1 may be billed per session. You can bill other forms of polypectomies if done during the same encounter, but again, only once per session.