Wiki Callus debridement CPT

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can anyone guide me about Callus debridement CPT"s?

calluses were debrided to subcutanoue level 0.1 x 0.1 x0.1 cm bilateral with sharp sterile 10 blade .Can we code(11055or11056??---11042???)

Please help me.
I think your dx is going to be the deciding factor

Look at the "reason" the procedure is being performed. If it's just a hypertrophic "bump" that may be irritated by shoe rubbing, I would lean more towards 11055.

The debridement codes are for "Injuries, infections, wounds or chronic ulcers". If your diagnosis does not fit into this category, 11055 it is.

My foot doc has never done anything like this, but this is my take.

If others have additional information, that would be great.