Wiki Callous wound care

Tomah, WI
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I have a patient who comes in routely for callous care. History, callous is a residual of a stage 4 pressure ulcer. callous measures 0.4 with depth of 0.3cm. no open ulcerations, with moderate callous buildup. physician cleans with chlorhexidine and debrides with curette. Every coder has coded this differently. some use 97597, 11055,99212. would anyone take this to a sequela vs a routine care for callous? Any ideas would be helpful.
I have a patient who comes in routely for callous care. History, callous is a residual of a stage 4 pressure ulcer. callous measures 0.4 with depth of 0.3cm. no open ulcerations, with moderate callous buildup. physician cleans with chlorhexidine and debrides with curette. Every coder has coded this differently. some use 97597, 11055,99212. would anyone take this to a sequela vs a routine care for callous? Any ideas would be helpful.

Based on what you've said, 97597 would not be appropriate because that code is for debridement of an open wound. If the pressure ulcer has healed/closed and the physician has documented that the condition now being treated is a callus, then 11055 would be the more appropriate code. I don't believe the fact that it is the sequela of a pressure ulcer would make a difference in the choice of the CPT code in this case.