Wiki California Workers Comp


Bedford, IN
Best answers
I am a Third Party Billing Company and just got a great lead in California. This potential client processes mainly Workers Compensation claims. From what I understand, California has very strict rules regarding how claims are submitted electronically. I am trying to read through all of the rules on and it is very daunting.

I believe I can tackle the IT specifics through my PM and clearinghouse. However, I am still a little confused on what attachments and how the process works with CA WC claims. Has anyone worked with CA WC claims before and if so, is there a simple explanation of the process.

Any feedback would be helpful.
I worked with CA work comp a few years back and it has changed since that time. However we had a very informative person from the CA work comp office come and talk to us. He spent an entire day in our office explaining everything we needed to know. Ni do not know hat it cost but it was very worth it. We had no problems with any of our claims from that time on.