Wiki California AB2109


Santa Clarita, CA
Best answers
Good Afternoon All,

I wanted to reach out to the members in the forum. I have recently discovered that in 2014 California will implement AB2109.

The short summary of it is that a parent whose child is entering child care or public school requesting a personal belief exemption must file with the child care facility or school. The form typically requires a statement from a health care practitioner signed indicating the parent has been provided with the information regarding the benefits and risks of immunization and the health risk of communicable disease.

With this, the health care practitioner is defined as MD/DO, NP, PA, naturopathic doctor and credentialed school nurse. I was told that AAP website had this information on scenarios of coding, but it is not longer valid on the link I found.

Does anyone have any insight on this? I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

Thanks Much!