Wiki Cad-I don't code for


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I don't code for a cardiologist, but can somebody tell me when to code 414.00 versus 414.01
410.00 vs 414.01

414.01 is used when the patient has CAD in his/her native coronary artery vessels- that is, no bypassed heart vessels, the patient has his/her original coronary vessels. 414.00 is used when the patient has had a CABG- coronary artery bypass and now has native plus other vessels (either saphenous vein or internal mammary attached to the heart/aorta.
the 414.01 is used when the CAD is of the native vessels
the 414.00 is used when the documentation does not specify where the CAD is located, bypass graft or native.
If it is not documented whether the patient has had a bypass you would use the 414.00
if it is known that the patient has had a bypass but not documented as to which vessel has the disease you would use 414.00
if it is known that the patient has never had a bypass but has CAD you would use 414.01
The key is to obtain specific documentation regarding the location of the CAD.