Wiki CABG Assist


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Can I bill 2 different surgical assists – the PA did the vein harvesting, then the surgeon had trouble and called another surgeon in to assist with the bypasses. Can I assign the 33508/80 to the PA, and the CABG codes to the 2nd surgeon?? (Medicare)

Thanks in advance,
C. Wright, CPC
Actually, if you bill for your PA, you would bill the 35308 with no modifier, because he/she is primary for that procedure only. In that case, you would not bill the 35308 for the surgeon at all.
I had trouble billing the 33508 code for my PA with Medicare. Medicare kept telling me I was unbundling so our billing process was changed so that the 33508 is billed under the surgeon even though our PA performs the vein harvest.
Assistant surgeons (MD) 80 or 82 modifer and AS modifier for PA or NP....Most group policies do allow for two surgical assistants. I do know that Medicare does allow for two surgical assistants for certain procedures.
Is there any way to distinguish between the first PA assist and the 2nd PA assist?
NPP Assistant Surgeon

What about reimbursement from commercial plans for a nurse practitioner assistant surgeon (modifier AS)? Does anyone expect to be paid by them? We have several who I am told 'do not accept' nurse practitioners, but this seems ridiculous.