Wiki Burr Grinder partial removal of rust ring

Grand Junction, CO
Best answers
Patient came into the ER with a foreign body in the eye. The Dr. removed the foreign body with a cotton swab and performed Burr Grinder for partial removal of rust ring. Pt tolerated well. Fluoroscein revealed corneal abrasion.

I'm looking at 65220 or 65222?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

65220 Cornea,is without a slit lamp
65222 Cornea,is with a slit lamp

What did the MD do?

You are in the right area for the CPT procedure though.
Hi Julianne,

For removal of FB with Cotton swab, we normally dont bill the procedure, please do check with your hospital specifics. But for removal of rust ring, we can code with the CPT -65435.

Thank You,

Purnima S, CPC
Can bill FB removal with cotton swab

Hi Purnima,

But we can code the procedure if the Corneal FB is removed using cotton swab. If it is embedded means only we will be in a need of incision.
This is what i found under the CPT assistant

Surgery: Eye and Ocular Adnexa


Can code 65435, Removal of corneal epithelium; with or without chemocauterization (abrasion, curettage), be reported for rust ring removal of cornea when no foreign body is found or removed? Donna Allshire, CPC, CPC-H, CPC-I, CEDC, RCC


No. Since the rust ring is considered foreign to the cornea, the removal is reported either using code 65220, Removal of foreign body, external eye; corneal, without slit lamp, or 65222, Removal of foreign body, external eye; corneal, with slit lamp, as appropriate.