Wiki Burn treatment in ED


Fort Worth, TX
Best answers
Must burn treatment be administered by the ED MD in order to bill the service/procedure for the professional side?
Thank you!

Physician must be present and managing treatment for lower level treatment like Silvadyne for 16000. But physician or mid level should do more complex serices like debridment for more intense services.

for the ED physician to bill his service he must be the one to perform the service. He may not bill for services he was only present for.
to bill for burn treatment he/she must be the one providing the actual treatment.
I stand corrected

You are right. But this is deja vu to other discussions we had. Most ED coding entities will accept something like "Silvadyne applied" etc without looking for the "I" word from the provider. This is just the reality "on the ground" so to speak. Think we had the same discussion about splinting. But I agree with you about the guidelines, just not always applied that way....not saying it's right or wrong. But it's like the argument about Rib Fracture treatment. Not much is done, but usually coded.
Hope the OIG isn't watching!
