Wiki burn out


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I have been coding for nearly ten years and am really burned out. I am good at my job, but I sit in my cubicle day after day. I feel so limited because I have no other skills.

There are so many frustrations with my company. We haven't had a raise in several years. Management stays in their offices and we would get in trouble if we tried talking to them. We just got training materials for icd-10 two weeks ago. Sometimes we are told to code things that are really stretching into a gray area.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I would look elsewhere. Management that gets "bothered" by being approached tells me they are only in it for their paycheck when they should be there to mentor you. Believe me I've been in your situation. My previous manager quit in March because she knew she was eventually going to be fired for not doing her job. Maybe check into positions where you can audit as well because of your extensive experience....or maybe be more involved with the revenue cycle end as well. Good luck! No apologies needed to vent- we all need to vent some time or another. It helps get stress out.
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