Wiki Burn codes


True Blue
Bellerose, NY
Best answers

1) Patient was seen in Emergency room , then come to clinic after couple of days for folllow-up. Is it ok to use 9XX code along with E-codes ? physician wants to code 9XX because the condition is not resolved patient is still under treatment .

2) Child had a burn a year ago and skin is not completely closed yet. What is the code to use in Peds clinic for their f/up?

Thank you
if you read in your guidelines in the burn section it tells us that the burns are considered acute until healed. however in ICD-9 CM you drop the E code after the initial encounter. So for both scenarios you would use an acute burn code. For ICD-10 CM this will be different.
Burn Codes

I have a question that is confusing me in the burn codes area. If you have a burn on your forehead that is 2nd degree, and a 3rd degree on your chin would you only code the multiple sites with the highest degree, or both burns? I am confused on this. Thanks for any help.