Wiki Bundling Issue


True Blue
Smithtown, NY
Best answers
Could someone helpme with sugical bundling issues. I have a colorectal doc that does, at times, 10+ procedures in a single session and am not 100% sure how, outside NCCI, how and when certains procedures can be billed together. I use AAOS for ortho but can not find any source for colorectal surgery. Thanks.
Can you give an example? 10+ procedures is a heck of a lot! 10 on one person?

if there is a 45385, 45384, 45379, 45383 or a 45382 you would use a 59 on any of the second procedures as long as they are seperate meaning doc has to take the scope out and re-insert or be doing a procedure on another part of the colon.

For example: 45385 snare removal of polyp.
45380 (59) biopsy of same polyp (leftover) but doc withdrew the scope and re-inserted

or 45384 hot biopsy of polyp ascending colong
45380 (59) biopsy of polyp transverse colon

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Can you give an example? 10+ procedures is a heck of a lot! 10 on one person?

if there is a 45385, 45384, 45379, 45383 or a 45382 you would use a 59 on any of the second procedures as long as they are seperate meaning doc has to take the scope out and re-insert or be doing a procedure on another part of the colon.

For example: 45385 snare removal of polyp.
45380 (59) biopsy of same polyp (leftover) but doc withdrew the scope and re-inserted

or 45384 hot biopsy of polyp ascending colong
45380 (59) biopsy of polyp transverse colon

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He's actually a colorectal surgeon that does some complicated procedures...just need a bundling guide rather than NCCI. Thanks..