Wiki Bundled?

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Our provider performed 26548, 26540, 26115, 64702, & 11750. CO Work Comp processed and only paid for 26540, stating all others were components of this procedure. I'm unable to locate on the MUEs table or any where else that these are bundled. The Case Manager also approved all CPT codes. Are these bundled?
Our provider performed 26548, 26540, 26115, 64702, & 11750. CO Work Comp processed and only paid for 26540, stating all others were components of this procedure. I'm unable to locate on the MUEs table or any where else that these are bundled. The Case Manager also approved all CPT codes. Are these bundled?
In my experience with worker comp companies, they are a breed of their own. I would ask the carrier to show you on their website where they are bundled. I would tell them you've done research and can't find anything concerning bundling and ask them to please show you. Even though there was approval for these codes, doesn't mean the carrier approved them for payment. One company gave approval after approval, but at one point payment stopped. We kept calling and sending the claims back, but each time they were processed with no payment. My supervisor called and talked to the supervisor of the work comp company. Work comp company said yes, they could see that the patient needed additional treatment that is why treatment was approved. Unfortunately, there's a cap to treatment and the patient has reached that cap so additional payment will not be made.