Wiki Bullets for Gastrointestinal 97'

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Tempe, AZ
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Does anyone know what bullets count under GI? I have been told you cannot count active bowel sounds as a bullet. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Bullets for Gastroinestinal:

Straight from the 1997 Guidelines:

Examination of abdomen with notation of prescence of masses or tenderness
Examination of liver and spleen
Examination for presence or absence of hernia
Examination of anus, perineum, and rectum, including sphincter tone, prescence of hemorroids, rectal masses.
Obtain stool sample for occult blood test when indicated.

My opinion is that there isn't any bullet where you would be able to count positive bowel sounds.

Hope that helps. :)
If you are using the 1997 General Multi-System guidelines, the 5 (five) available GI bullets are as follows:
Examination of:
Abdomen with notation of masses/tenderness
Liver and spleen
Presence or absence of hernia
Anus, perineum and rectum, including sphincter tone, presence of hemorrhoids, rectal masses
Obtain stool sample for occult blood when indicated

Unfortunately, there are no 1997 GI specific guidelines. This would mean that you could not count "active bowel sounds" anywhere in the '97 General Multi-System examination. You could, however, count it in the 1995 guidelines.