Wiki bronchoscopy assisted planned trach tube placement?


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Hello everyone,
After doing some research, I still can't find any (recent) document to clarify this, so I'm hoping someone could provide the answer or direct me there.
Can I code 31600 and 31622-59? This was a planned trach placement.

Dr. A: Under Trach placement note "7Fr subglottic suction tracheostomy tube placed at bedside without complications.
Dr. X assisted with bronchoscopic evaluation of the airways and documentation of tube position following placement.

Under Dr. X's note "The scope was introduced through the patient's ETT to tip of ETT. ETT and scope were pulled back to the subglottic level to assist visualization for percutaneous tracheostomy. Airway from trachea to carina was normal."

My guts tell me this is not a separate procedure and only 31600 is billable, but I need a reliable source to back up my education.

Than you so much!