Wiki Bringing billing back in house-Please Help!

Yes. I was already a current employee for my provider but was working in the front office. I had some background in billing and once it was decided that I would take over the billing, I took a refresher course to get ready. We gave our billing company a few months notice to ensure that they had time to wrap up anything outstanding and so they could work on the aging. I met with them on two occasions and I actually sat with the main person that handled our account to ask questions and see her processes. We had a date set that I would take over. We did have a bit of overlap time (a couple of weeks) to where they were finishing up and I had taken over, which worked fine.

It's been just shy of two years and it's working great to have the billing in house.

Hope that helps a bit. Feel free to ask any questions.
Thank you so much for your help! With billing in house did you have to call each insurance carrier and change the address, or did the old billing company assist you in the process. As of now I checks get sent to our billing company at the time, However I want to make sure that after our live date we have them being send to out office. And if I may ask what Clearing House do you use. I have been a CPC for 5 years now and the billing is a bit new to me. Thank you so much in advance for you help, I beyond appreciate it. I am a little lost on things, LOL
Well, I can't imagine the billing company that you are no longer going to use will do all the insurance credentialing work for you. Several insurance companies use the CAQH database, so make sure you update that. Other than that, you will need to contact each insurance company to find out how they update. Some you can submit online. Some must be on their form. Some you can fax a letter. Medicare is through PECOS. Expect that not every insurance company will update correctly and promptly. Try to maintain a good relationship with the billing company and request they forward any correspondence received.
As far as clearinghouses go, I believe most offices typically just use the clearinghouse that is linked with their software. When we did in house billing, we were using Greenway's Intergy and didn't have a choice in clearinghouses.
Good luck. And my 2 cents is that no one outside your office will care more about your billing than you.
Yes. I was already a current employee for my provider but was working in the front office. I had some background in billing and once it was decided that I would take over the billing, I took a refresher course to get ready. We gave our billing company a few months notice to ensure that they had time to wrap up anything outstanding and so they could work on the aging. I met with them on two occasions and I actually sat with the main person that handled our account to ask questions and see her processes. We had a date set that I would take over. We did have a bit of overlap time (a couple of weeks) to where they were finishing up and I had taken over, which worked fine.

It's been just shy of two years and it's working great to have the billing in house.

Hope that helps a bit. Feel free to ask any questions.

Thank you so much for your help! With billing in house did you have to call each insurance carrier and change the address, or did the old billing company assist you in the process. As of now I checks get sent to our billing company at the time, However I want to make sure that after our live date we have them being send to out office. And if I may ask what Clearing House do you use. I have been a CPC for 5 years now and the billing is a bit new to me. Thank you so much in advance for you help, I beyond appreciate it. I am a little lost on things, LOL
Well, I can't imagine the billing company that you are no longer going to use will do all the insurance credentialing work for you. Several insurance companies use the CAQH database, so make sure you update that. Other than that, you will need to contact each insurance company to find out how they update. Some you can submit online. Some must be on their form. Some you can fax a letter. Medicare is through PECOS. Expect that not every insurance company will update correctly and promptly. Try to maintain a good relationship with the billing company and request they forward any correspondence received.
As far as clearinghouses go, I believe most offices typically just use the clearinghouse that is linked with their software. When we did in house billing, we were using Greenway's Intergy and didn't have a choice in clearinghouses.
Good luck. And my 2 cents is that no one outside your office will care more about your billing than you.

Thank you so so much, this was extremely helpful
Agreed with the previous post! And yes, we didn't have an option with our Clearinghouse. It's the one linked to our system (Change Healthcare). With us, all of our mail including payments were always mailed directly to our office and we had a shared folder on our server so we scanned in the EOB's and our billing company could access it to do their payment posting. So that made things a lot easier when transitioning to in house because there weren't a lot of phone calls to make to insurance companies.

I imagine this is pretty overwhelming for you...feel free to ask any more questions. I'll help as much as I can! I still consider myself a fairly new biller and I use this forum frequently to ask for help so I know how much it's valued. Best of luck!