Wiki Breast Lesion post mastectomy


Orlando, FL
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Patient with history of invasive breast cancer with mets to the lymph nodes who had a Modified Radical Mastectomy has develpoed another mass in the same breast adherent to the implant.

There is a debate as to code this as 19125 or 1140X based on the size.
The arguement for coding from 1140X series is that there is no breast tissue as it was removed in the prev surgery.

Report states: Sonographic localization of right breast mass. Mass involving the right reconstructed breast area on the upper outer quadrant. Mass was abutting to the pseudocapsule of the breast prosthesis. Mass was approx 1.5cm. partial excision of the pseudocapsule, including the mass was accomplished with reconstruction of the wound including closure. Incision measured approx 3 cm in length and was carried by means of sharp disscetion to the subcutaneous tissue. The psuedocapsule was entered avoiding damage to the implant and then the mass on the segment of the pseudocapsule was removed.

thoughts are greatly appreciated
19125 sites a lesion identified by a preoperative radiological marker placement. Since that was not the case here I would say, not that code.

but, instead of 1140X, I would choose 19120