Help do we code both 19120 & 19318
The patient was anesthetized in the supine position and the chest was prepped and drapped. The nipples were realigned with a cookie cutter at 42 mm diameter. The irregular scar tissue around it was excised on both sides, including most of the vertical incision. Subcutaneous masses were then identified on both sides and excised. The left side had considerably more than right, about 6 areas on the left versus 2 on the right. Following excision, the wounds were irrigated and closed in layers using 2-0 Monocryl for the deep layer and running subdermal 3-0 Monocryl for the skin closure. A bulky dressing was the applied with a postoperative brea. No drains were used.
The patient was anesthetized in the supine position and the chest was prepped and drapped. The nipples were realigned with a cookie cutter at 42 mm diameter. The irregular scar tissue around it was excised on both sides, including most of the vertical incision. Subcutaneous masses were then identified on both sides and excised. The left side had considerably more than right, about 6 areas on the left versus 2 on the right. Following excision, the wounds were irrigated and closed in layers using 2-0 Monocryl for the deep layer and running subdermal 3-0 Monocryl for the skin closure. A bulky dressing was the applied with a postoperative brea. No drains were used.