Wiki Breast exam ??


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Can somebody tell me when a pt comes in for CPX and the doctor also does a breast exam but no GYN, can you still use dx V72.31 Because the doctor did the breast exam? Or do you use only V70.0 even though a breast exam was done ?? I need to let my doctors know.

Thank You in advance

Breast Exam V76.19

I attended an auto conference a few years back but can't remember who held the conference and I know longer have the material. In the auto conference they indicate that for proper coding of a cpx the following scenarios would be correct:
Prevent w/pelvic and pap ( 993xx w/dx V72.31)
Prevent w/pelvic (993xx w/dx V72.31)
Prevent w/breast exam only (993xx w/dx V76.19)
Prevent w/general exam (993xx w/dx V700)

Dx V72.31 can be for just pelvic exam only or both pelvic and pap.
Dx V76.19 is for just a breast exam only and not a pelvic and/or pap.

V700 is for a general exam but if you know the type of exam wouldn't you code to the highest specification?

Here in ND we have been using V76.19 and haven't seen denials. What's your take on this????

Thanks Nette
So if the pt comes in for cpx which would be V70.0 and the doctor also does breast exam, would you use just V76.19? Since V76.19 is only for breast exam, what happens to the cpx exam code V70.0? Do we use them both?

I would use both the V70.0 and the V76.19 this V76.19 is screening breast and the V70.0 covers the complete physicial not a problem from where I stand.
Why they do routine health maintenance (V70.0) in GYN. I thought V70.0 is for primary care physicians use only.


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