Wiki Breaking into the field of Compliance


Columbus, OH
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So I took the online course for CPCO and then took the test and passed. I some compliance experience being a medical biller for many years. I volunteered at work to help with compliance so have a little bit of experience. I am finding it hard to get a job because they want 2-3 years working in field. Any suggestions on how I can get a job as a CPCO? :confused:
If you are looking to get a Compliance Officer/Manager position, then you would at least need those 2-3 years of experience. However, if you are willing to start a little lower, check out different Health Plans in your area and see what they offer. Even starting out in a sub-specialty of Compliance, would still get you Compliance experience.

Hope this helps a little. It's the well known adage and paradox: "Can get a job because I need experience, but I can't get experience because I can't get a job" . Don't lose hope and keep finding that job!
Breaking into Compliance


First, I would like to congratulate you on passing the exam. That is not an easy exam, so you should be very proud of yourself. Secondly, do you hold a degree? I do know that employers prefer their compliance officers to have at least a bachelor's degree but most will prefer a candidate with a master's or higher. Even though that may be the case, there are organizations that have compliance specialists and their responsibility is to provide support to the compliance officer, so that is something to keep in mind as well. Lastly, I highly recommend that you visit the job board on HCCA's website. Please let me know if you have any other questions and I would be more than happy to assist you. speak with you.
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