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You did not say what you are doing now but if you are into a follow up or data entry position this would be a great place to start. It would familiarize you with what physicians do, how they choose the codes they did and you can find the Dx through digging in that code book! I had some 20 years in follow up before I took my exam and I have to say it helped alot. I had an idea on what was being asked and where the part was that was being worked on.
With some experience I bet in no time you will be moved up to a coding position for the practice due to your growth and understanding of the dictation used to code with. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions of the doctors. Many do not mind taking a minute to explain the why and if you think it could be something else just throw out that suggestion and see what the physician says.
If need be do a temp agency that places for perm positions. That way you can find out if you like the company you are temping at.
Good Luck in your search for that beginning GREAT coding position. :D