Wiki BP check to compare with home BP machine

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Hi. What dx do I report: 99211 visit, nurse visit, the patient came in to "compare his BP at the office to his BP machine at home."
There's no high BP documented in any of the notes. His bp at this visit was 172/98 but he was only seen briefly by the nurse. V82.9? I don't think V71.9 Maybe V49.89? I need to put something in there. It was only a nurse visit, but it still needs a dx, right. Maybe I can code it a 90002, no charge visit, I'd be happy with that, but I still need a diagnosis. Thanks.
In light of the blood pressure reading being so high at the visit I would use 796.2 (blood pressure elevated w/o hypertension) and feel that would be appropriate.

I hope this helps :)