Wiki both parents covered by insurance

both parents covered by Insurance

There are a couple of things you need to look at when you have this situation and it will depend on the Insurance, so you need to check on that.

1. General rule is that the policy that has the earliest effective date is the one that is considered the primary coverage.

2. Another rule (commonly referred to as the birthday rule) is based on which parent has the earlier birth date (month and day). The insurance of the parent with the earlier birth date becomes the primary insurance. If both parents have the same birthday, the policy of the one who has been employed the longest by his or her employer will be the policy considered as the primary cover.

3. There are also instances where one spouse is covered by an employer-sponsored health insurance while the other spouse is covered through Medicare or VA insurance. In this case, the plan that is employer-sponsored becomes the primary insurance, with Medicare or VA insurance as the secondary coverage.

4. If parents are separated or divorced, there may be an agreement or court documents stating whose primary coverage.

I hope this helps.