Wiki Bone anchors


Iron Station, NC
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The ortho surgeon was called in to place bone anchor suture fixation during a traumatic hernia repair. What CPT would I use for the bone anchors?
bone anchor

need to have more information to give you an answer can you state what the operative report has documented.
Patient was involved in MVC. Suffered seatbelt injury with avulsion of the right lower quadrant abdominal wall musculature away from the iliac crest. Ortho was consulted peroperatively to provide assistance in placing a bone anchor sutrue fixation point along the right iliac crest. Ultimately placed a total of 4 anchors along the iliac crest and adjacent to the anterior superior iliac spine in order to allow for fixation of the mesh alont the inferior edge of the hernia defect as there was relatively little overlying muscle and fascia to allow for adequate fixation.