Wiki Body area, organ system or both?


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
For those who use 1995 guidelines - on the statement in the exam "NECK: no lymphadenopathy" do you count this as a body area (Neck), Organ system (lymphatic) or both? Hunch is to do one or the other (and if a comprehensive exam, that would be a organ system as you need 8 or more of them), and I have counted it as an organ system.


Thank you.
Our office uses the 1995 guidelines and we only count it once in the Organ Systems. If they have futher documentation regarding the neck then you could also count the body area but if it's just the lymphatic we count it in the organ system.

Hope this is of help!
Yes, Thank you!

Our office uses the 1995 guidelines and we only count it once in the Organ Systems. If they have futher documentation regarding the neck then you could also count the body area but if it's just the lymphatic we count it in the organ system.

Hope this is of help!

That is what I had believed and have used - but when I started thinking about it, I questioned whether this was correct. Over-thinking, maybe???

Thanks again!