Wiki Blood Pressure Screening


Hillsboro, OR
Best answers
What are the correct codes (CPT and ICD9) for a simple Blood Pressure screen by a nurse. There are no apparent doctor's orders or dx for medical necessity. Only a reading was given, 140/90. What are the codes...or can it even be coded?

Thank you for your help:confused:
Not a billable service as described

In order to use 99211 it must be incident to and there must be an actual evaluation and management service provided.

There is no incident or order by an MD. So a 99211 seems incorrect per guidelines. It is a drop in Blood Pressure check by a nurse. All we have is the reading 140/90.

I dont think we are the first office to have to do this. So, um, what are the codes? :confused:
A nurse cannot initiate a visit with a patient which is why you cannot justify the 99211. If the patient needs an eval for BP, they must first be evaluated by the physician. Since this did not happen the service provided is invalid and cannot be billed.
Blood Pressure Check

I agree with you, Debra. But I dont think we are the first office to have someone pop in, want a BP check, the MD is booked up, and so he gets one.

Do offices give the BP checks out for free or is there an alternative way to code this? :eek: