Wiki Blood patch-62273


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I have a Neuro IR MD who has performed a Blood patch for cranial hypotension and has injected the blood in 4 different areas through out the spine. Would you only charge 62273 x1 plus 77003, or 62273 by each level with a modifier?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
It's my understanding that 62273 is reported once per session. Now...CMS has a MUE of 2.

2=An MUE for a HCPCS/CPT code is the maximum units of service that a provider would report under most circumstances for a single beneficiary on a single date of service.

This tells me that it's possible to report twice, in one day, IF the documenation can support medical necessity.

As a note..."CMS is concerned that providers will incorrectly interpret MUE values as utilization guidelines. MUE values do NOT represent units of service that may be reported without concern about medical review. Providers should continue to only report services that are medically reasonable and necessary."

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