Wiki Blind Pouch


Best answers
Doctor did a follow up EGD on patient who had bariatric surgery. He states that there was a "blind pouch". Is this a type of gastric diverticulum or is this something that needs to be coded at all? Thanks.
Gastric pouch codes to: 537.1

If Blind Loop Syndrome is documented it codes to: 579.2
Blind Loop Syndrome
Postoperative blind loop syndrome
DEF: Obstruction/impaired passage in small intestine due to alternation, from strictures or surgery....

If documented as a postoperative complication, a code from there may be appropriate.

Most information that I checked indicates the gastric pouch as an unintentional creation of a pouch due to some gastric/intestinal procedure(s)...when symptomatic may be classified/documented as Blind Loop Syndrome.

Hope this helps,