Wiki Bleeding colostomy CPT help please


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colostomy and portal hypertension now with bleeding colostomy

CPT help please?
  • Colostomy bag and waffle removed. No blood on digital exam of colostomy. Stoma cleaned and inspected circumferentially and there was point bleeding at the 1 o'clock position mucocutaneous junction. Area over sew with 3-0 Prolene horizontal mattress suture. Area observed and hemostasis was good. No additional points of bleeding were identified.
  • Ostomy appliance reapplied.

Thank you!!
I think the closest procedure to this is 44340, but since since no incision was made by the provider, only a suturing, I would probably either use 44340-52, or else assign an unlisted code 45399 and use the 44340 or a skin/subcutanenous repair code (e.g. 12001) as your comparison code. Hope that helps some?
Several questions:

Was the pt under anesthesia?
In the office or OR?
Was there an incision?

There really isn't enough information here to give you an accurate code. If you post the op report, I'd be happy to take a look and give an opinion.