Wiki bkrol2012


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I need some clarification when billing 69210 removal of cerumen. I was told that when this procedure is billed it is to be done by the physician and involves the removal of the cerumen by using either foceps to remove the wax or a wax curette. When our office bills this procedure it is done by our medical assistances and it involves them washing out the ear with water and drops. Could you please clarify this for me. The CPT book only states the removal impacted cerumen (separate procedure), 1 or both ears. My physicians are fighting me on this one.

Thank you

You are correct. If you report 69210 (Removal impacted cerumen [separate procedure], one or both ears), remember that the physician must have removed "impacted" cerumen, as specified in the code's descriptor. For simple cerumen, which the physician can easily remove without suction or forceps, use the appropriate E/M code (99201-99205, 99211-99215). Non-physician practioners (NP's, PA's) can also bill for this procedure but your medical assistant cannot. Hope that is helpful to you.
As far as back up goes .. first it is considered a surgical procedure look at the heading in the CPT book, 10000 thru 69999 are surgical, also the coders dest reference gives a complete description of this procedure and states it is performed by the physician using a scoop or a currette.