Wiki Biposy of Basal cell carcinoma


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Is there a guideline somewhere that states you have to have a biopsy for definitive diagnosis before you can treat a superficial basal cell carcinoma with cryotherapy?
I am not aware of any rule that requires the diagnosis to be made microscopically. In other words, although it is not common (and maybe not an accepted) medical practice, I don't think it breaks any coding rules. (If there are any, I'm open to hearing them.)

That still doesn't mean I would advise it, for a couple of reasons: One is that if records are requested, the payer could challenge the CPT code, and, without the path report, there will be no proof that it warranted a malignant code. Second is that, if the doctor does this regularly, could lead to suspicion that he is fraudulently treating stuff that doesn't need to be treated.
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