Wiki billing vaccines


Salem, OR
Best answers
If a patient comes in for a vaccine the nurse gives the injection, but the pts. PCP is not in the office, but another physician is in, is the billing under the physicians name that was there or can it be billed under the pcp's name since he was the ordering physician? Does anyone have any documentation on this?

Thank you,
This must be billed under the physician who was actually in the office. The supervising physician must sign off on the documentation. This is in the "Incident-to Services" section of the CMS Manuals.

I hope this helps!
CR 144 issued April of 04 states that you use the name and NPI of the physician in this office that saw the patient and wrote the plan of care, in 24 you put the NPI of the physician on site supervising and that physician will be the signature on line 31.