Wiki Billing Type II diabetic eye exams

Redfield, Iowa
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I recently received a denial from an insurance company for "invalid second diagnosis code". The patient has Type II diabetes and code E11.9 was used.
The 2017 ICD-10 book shows that you need to use an additional code to identify "control using" ...either insulin or an oral drug. I have corrected this code but the question that came up is - what do you use if the patient is diet controlled? I believe it will be denied if I don't have a second code now and I have been unable to come up with an answer. Thank in advance for any advice.
Diabetes Code

So from a few webinars I have gone to, for Type 2 or E11 code can either have no Z code(for diet and exercise controlled) or can have the oral OR the insulin code, it does not require the oral code Z79.84 and insulin Z79.4. I have been told to code just insulin or Z79.4. Not sure if this helps. I will try to find the print outs that came with the webinars.