Wiki Billing the code G0444


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Good Morning! I am looking to see who has billed the G0444 for depression screenings? Are they covered by all insurances? Can you bill it on other than an annual wellness exam? Any comments will be appreciated! Thank You!
I work in peds and we use 96127 and I add modifier 59. Some insurances pay, some don't, some apply it to the deductible/co-ins/etc. We bill it whenever we do a depression screening with Z13.31 and if it's positive 2ndary dx whatever ICD10 applies. When we do it at annual PEs I use Z00.12X primary, Z13.31 2ndary and if it's positive whatever that dx is 3rd.
I have only billed the G0444 with the subsequent AWV G0439. Now for commercial, I have billed a 96127 w/ 99406 adding a 25 modifier, however you must makes sure it is documented and with the correct dx in order for insurance to cover. It is the brief emotional/behavior assessment. I hope this helps!
I work in peds and we use 96127 and I add modifier 59. Some insurances pay, some don't, some apply it to the deductible/co-ins/etc. We bill it whenever we do a depression screening with Z13.31 and if it's positive 2ndary dx whatever ICD10 applies. When we do it at annual PEs I use Z00.12X primary, Z13.31 2ndary and if it's positive whatever that dx is 3rd.
Thank you for your help!
I have only billed the G0444 with the subsequent AWV G0439. Now for commercial, I have billed a 96127 w/ 99406 adding a 25 modifier, however you must makes sure it is documented and with the correct dx in order for insurance to cover. It is the brief emotional/behavior assessment. I hope this helps!
Thank you for your help!
Good Morning! I am looking to see who has billed the G0444 for depression screenings? Are they covered by all insurances? Can you bill it on other than an annual wellness exam? Any comments will be appreciated! Thank You!
We only use G0444 for our Medicare patients. We have billed it outside of an annual wellness, for example they came in for a chronic condition follow up and started having symptoms of depression. For all other carriers we use 96160.
We only use G0444 for our Medicare patients. We have billed it outside of an annual wellness, for example they came in for a chronic condition follow up and started having symptoms of depression. For all other carriers we use 96160.
Thank You for your help!