Wiki Billing supplies in a hospital setting


Highland, NY
Best answers
Couldn't find a better section to put this so here goes...My provider is part of a private multi-specialty group, he was called into consult on a patient in the hospital who presented with an ankle fracture. He performed fracture care and casted the patient with a short leg fiberglass cast. My problem is that he is stating the casting materials used were from our own supply, not the hospital's supply. Can/How can this be billed so we do get proper reimbursement since it was our own supply?

Thanks in advance!
As far as the can, yes as long as any supplies for pretty much any procedure were provided by the physician (as opposed to a facility), he/she can bill for those supplies.

As far as the how, there are casting supply codes, not sure if they are in the A range or Q range in HCPCS, can't remember. The only snag might be documentation. Not sure how you prove the supplies are yours and not the hospitals. Anybody else have a thought on that?
Thanks for the answer, I know the Q code that would be used, but like you mentioned, not sure what kind of documentation the payor would want/need from us:confused: