Wiki Billing Specialist Production


Morehead, KY
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Curious as to how many of you have medical billing specialist that ONLY do charge entry. No follow up or payment posting. We have currently split our staff into teams. Claims building team, and AR Team (working denials) Our EMR posts all payments.

What in your opinion do you think a reasonable amount of charges to build a day per biller? The provider has added the procedure and dx codes. The biller will review for errors and submit the claim.
I have had a team for this and they only did PT/OT charges. I believe it was around a minimum 30 encounters/hour. They were doing what you described, not "from scratch" but reviewing pre-populated lines that had already gone through the scrubber and hit edits. I feel the type and complexity of charges would have to be taken into account. In this particular case there were a small set of "core" codes and frequent common edits. It was not fixing diagnoses or doing anything more appropriate for a CPC. If there was something really off or the biller should not be doing it, they escalated to coding or back to the provider.