Wiki Billing SNf for Medicare Part B claims


Thomasville, GA
Best answers
We have been getting refund requests from Medicare due to bills should have been sent to the SNF instead of Medicare.

2 questions:
1. How are we to know which patients still have Part A benefits and claims should be sent to the SNF?
2. Do we send a claim form to the SNF or a statement? (we have been sending statements, but we are having a hard time getting the SNF to pay)

Thanks for your help.

That means the SNF either did not discharge the patient from the medicare cert bed or the patient is under Med A stay and your bill is considered consolidated billing.
That is correct.

My question is how will we know a patient falls under consolidated billing when the patient is in our office?
How do we bill the SNF? On a 1500 claim form or a statement?
You need a HCFA. Sometimes we would have to call the nursing home to see if they are in a skilled bed. I would have the phone girls flag the account if a nursing home schedules the appointment. And note which home. Also the front desk to let billing know if they came from a home. Some homes send paperwork.
I also had access to the hospital med records online and it would state where they discharged to. It was,always a pain to refund Medicare after the fact