Wiki Billing RN workup ?

Spokane, WA
Best answers
Our physicians are looking at having RNs do new patient or new problems for existing patients, prior to being seem by a physician or NP. They say that many/most OB practices are doing this now, since the service is not billable anyway (ie for a new OB). Can anyone clarify how (or if) this would be billed ? I am believing it would not be billable since it would likely be a same day visit (RN work-up then MD/ NP comes in)

Thanks !
No this is not a billable service. The RN is only acting as the one to collect the ROS from the patient as that is all they could be doing. An RN cannot assess a patient and make determinations or recommendations. There is not significant billable activity involved, also since the provider has not already examined the patient there is no existing order for the nurse to be acting on for a incident to billing. For that reason this could also not be performed and billed on a separate day.