Wiki Billing Question Help!


Beaver Falls, PA
Best answers
Our provider, is asking if there is a code to bill for the following service he performed:

Dr. met with the patient's family (patient was not present) to initiate Hospice care and end-of-life planning for the patient. He spoke with the family, and completed paperwork, and made phone calls. ( I know the doctor cannot bill out for the time spent on the phone, etc). DNR orders were discussed with the family.

Is there a code the doc can bill for the non face-to-face with the patient?

Patient has Medicare. My first thought was the G0182. I may be splitting hairs here but wouldn't the G0182 be used for supervision AFTER the patient was enrolled in Hospice? This visit was to start the process of enrollling the patient into hospice.

Any help, thoughts, etc. is much appreciated! Thank you!
Unfortunately, no

Medicare requires that any service for which claim will be submitted be performed face-to-face with the patient. So, unfortunately, there is no billable service here.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC