Wiki Billing preventative srvs


Chanute, KS
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I need some outside opinions please.
I code for a hospital owned Women's health clinic. Since I have taken over the preventative well women visits for Medicare patients have changed because the person before me coded the visits as reg office visits and then pap collections. The physician is completing comprehensive ROS/PMFS, exams and not really addressing co-morbid conditions unless the pt also has a complaint. I usually charge for the 9939x, Q0091 (if pap collected) and G0101 and for commercial payers I charge the 9939x and Q0091 (these are estab pts). We have obviously had calls from the Medicare pts because they are rec'g bills and we do notify them ahead of time that MCR does not cover preventative visits but we don't obtain ABN's because these are statutorily excluded srvs.
Where can I find in writing that this is not accurate and that doing this was is wrong?
This is what they are wanting me to do:
EX: Medicare - 9939x - 200.00 Q0091 - 20.00 G0101 - 70.00 = 290.00
Commercial - 9939x - 270.00 Q0091 - 20.00 = 290.00

I don't think this is right but would like some feedback please
first, medicare does not pay for 9939X codes. You have to bill either G0438 or G0439, (even G0402 if pt is new to medicare and comes in within the first12 months of their effective date on their mcr card) and they can get their welcome to mcr preventive.
the Q0091 is for screening pap smears. The previous billers were billing E/M's for screening paps from what I am gathering from your post which is incorrect. Most payers lump the pap/breast exam with the preventive 993XX code.
for well woman visits we bill a G0101 for the pelvic/breast exam and Q0091 for the pap smear.
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