Wiki Billing patients from a newly purchased practice


Union, NJ
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The Gastroenterology practice I work for recently purchased another Gastroenterology practice and they have just started seeing those patients. Our Question is, can we bill them as new patients ( I believe so since it's a different tax ID#) ?
Does anyone have any other billing "rules" for this situation?
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions
They are "new" patients to your practice since they are now being seen by different providers under a different tax ID #. However, if a provider from the purchased practice has seen them less than 3 years ago and is working in your office now and sees them again, I'd most likely recommend billing them as an established patient for that provider.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC
Its all going to depend on who they see and in what order.

If its the same doctor they are established to the doctor no matter the TIN.
If they see the doc they saw at under another TIN first, they will always established
If they first see another doctor under the new TIN they haven't seen in the last 3 years they are a new patient.
they are "new" patients to your practice since they are now being seen by different providers under a different tax id #. However, if a provider from the purchased practice has seen them less than 3 years ago and is working in your office now and sees them again, i'd most likely recommend billing them as an established patient for that provider.

Tom cheezum, o.d., cpc

thank you tom
its all going to depend on who they see and in what order.

If its the same doctor they are established to the doctor no matter the tin.
If they see the doc they saw at under another tin first, they will always established
if they first see another doctor under the new tin they haven't seen in the last 3 years they are a new patient.

great thank you