Wiki Billing/Patient Accts Mgr

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Can someone please weigh in on something for me? I have been in healthcare industry for almost 30 years now. I have been with my current employer for 20 years. I have my CPC and have since 2013. I have been asked by my current boss to train/teach the front desk scheduler (new employee) to do coding/billing/precert/payment posting, just about everything I do. I have to be honest, I do NOT feel comfortable teaching anyone to do "coding/billing". I swear, is it just me or does everyone think we just are data entry with just a little actual knowledge?
I am sorry, but after doing this for 30 years both on payer side and provider/ancillary side, there are things I could never "teach/show" someone. If they want someone else with such knowledge, then either hire someone with those credentials OR make them go to school and take the 5 + hour test for their CPC or whatever certification they want to obtain. NOBODY showed me how to be a coder/biller so then I could put that on my resume and claim I knew more than I actually did. I went to my local college and took the 16 week course, studied, then sat for what was the most grueling 5 hour and 40 minutes of my life while having twin daughters at home.

Ok, so my question is can my employer FORCE me to teach someone coding/billing?
Training other coworkers to do billing and coding

I just read your concern regarding training other co-workers to do what you do as a coder/medical biller. I have been in the industry over 30 years as well and have seen it all. Many companies do not want to hire the Coding EXPERTS with training and licenses because they know that they would have to pay the price for Coders. I am a CPC and CPMA with a Bachelors in Science from Howard University and I will tell you that the CPC test was the hardest test I have EVER taken in my life. That test was stressful and I barely passed and was okay with my score of 76. Yes 76 which is not great but I passed;). You can never train a person to be a Coder unless your are a Certified AAPC teacher. You can only train the coworker on the actual codes that your office uses. I don't know what specialty you are in but I am in Orthopedics and it is a very complex specialty with many bone/fracture codes that is very difficult to code at times especially Trauma patients. We train people to search for the CPT/DX codes in our EMR system with certain keywords and we as coders audit to make sure that they have picked the correct codes. We do train new employees on medical billing because you only learn that by hands on experience and shadowing other people in your billing office.

I feel that you should train the coworker on all aspects of the medical billing process and once they have mastered the process, then have your company send the coworker to AAPC training to get certified in Coding and then you can continue training from there. If training is a part of your job then the company has the right to ask you to help train and expect that from you as well. I know how you feel but without you would anybody else be able to train the co-worker?? Just be careful and not train the new employee to take your position. I have seen it too many times... Just my opinion!!!!

Good Luck
Employer Question

THe answer in short in not really if you play your cards right

I would right down some nominal admin tasks that this person could do as you bullet point your job duties in detail and place an asterick on the ones that would require certification.
Teaching Coworker Billing & Coding

Hi Brenda
You are in a prickly spot. There is no way you can teach a coworker ALL ABOUT medical coding. It is a complex career. Well actually they need to go to a certification program on medical coding. Medical coding involves learning human anatomy, coding, and using those 3 manuals with so many regs & rules. You could give your coworker a orientation list of differ insurance companies, what covers, treatment needs authorizations, or co -payments per type of services. Plus which medical provider can cover which services. But details on medical coding ..nope it be to hard to teach.

I hope this helps. I do agree with Leticia D....the CPC coding exam is no joke

Have a good weekend!

Lady T