Wiki BIlling OV after a Colonoscopy or EGD

kathy a

Elizabethtown, PA
Best answers
I would like to know if any of you bill for an office visit after a Colonoscopy or EGD. Even though it is normal, or doctor found a polyp and tells the patient to follow up in one or five years, it still seems like it to me that the patient would be eligible for a post op visit. The follow up visit scores at a level 2 sometimes 3. What are you guys views on this subject?
We have another physician who if it is normal lets the patient know in the recovery room after. This seems like this would be the correct way to go??
Thanks Kathy
My surgeons do not bill a visit for follow up of a colono or EGD. There may be an instance where they need to do further testing or surgery and then a visit is billed out, but if it's just to go over normal results, then no we don't bill out. Hope this helps ;)