Wiki Billing On Q pain catheter and nerve blocks


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My thoracic surgeons almost always perform a nerve block and/or insert the on Q pain cath for pain management during thorascopic procedures. I know Medicare bundles these with the main procedures. What are others experience in billing private payors for these services? I don't want to unbundle but the surgeons want the charges submitted because of the extra work involved with these. THOUGHT?:confused: SUGGESTIONS? :confused:
I agree with above, pain management by the surgeon is included in the global. I've been told by my surgeons that this isn't much work and takes like 3 minutes to do (and I have heard others surgeons at the STS say the same thing). You would need to bill with an unlisted code, if billing a private payer, and it would require follow-up on your part so the documentation must be clear about what was done and why it was medically necessary.

I don't bill anyone for these myself.

Lisi, CPC